Đặng Thị Huệ (Uni)

Female, 1992

“A great HRM is a strategic thinker, a creative problem solver, and a relationship builder.”

Strategic HRM | HRBP Manager | Talent Acquisition Manager | Employer Branding Manager



Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam


Video is one of my favorite ways to create content. It's a great way to communicate a message in a more visual and engaging way, which is especially important on social media platforms like Facebook.

The video development plan is based on the company's recruitment strategy, corporate positioning, recruitment events, or special dates throughout the year. I and my team work together to come up with ideas, write scripts, find actors, edit, direct, and create a video marketing plan. Depending on the objectives of the project, we can choose the appropriate video format, including mutex video, infographic video, music video, story video, vlog, brand video, review video, radio video, etc. Of course, For branding videos (PR videos), we need the support of the company's media team to use professional equipment to shoot and produce videos. For videos that require simpler techniques, such as short videos or internal videos, we use some video editing software such as PowerPoint, Canva, or Video Maker.

To measure the effectiveness of these video communications, it is necessary to look at the number of views, reach, and engagement, including likes, shares, and comments.

In deed, Video is a powerful tool that can be used to effectively communicate employer branding messages. MWG uses a variety of video formats to reach a wide audience and create a positive impression of the company.

Here are some of my most successful video productions:

Vè Bách Hoá Xanh

This is a brand video I released in 2018, kicking off a series of recruitment videos for Bách Hóa Xanh. The main character is "anh ba Bách Hoá Xanh" in a traditional Vietnamese outfit, a scarf, which is reminiscent of the image of a familiar person to most people in the southern region in VietNam. Using the catchy tune of a traditional folk song, the video "Vè Bách Hoá Xanh" conveys advertising messages about the positions currently being recruited, benefits, work environment, and how to apply for the company. The video has received over 76,000 views on YouTube and over 1,400 likes, and over 143,000 views on the Thế Giới Di Động Recruiting Facebook page.

Some Other videos in Anh Ba Bách Hóa Xanh series:

The Shipper Vuivui song

This is a music video I released in 2019 as part of a recruitment campaign for 3,000 Shippers for the new Vuivui.com e-commerce platform. The song was covered and edited with lyrics from a popular trend of the time (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen (PPAP) - Pico Taro). The song was well-received by applicants for its humorous, cheerful, and relatable tone, creating an impression of a cheerful and loving Shipper.

Rap Shipper

Also part of the next recruitment campaign for the vuivui.com Shipper position, the video was edited by me and performed by an internal company employee. This is a music video featuring a combination of cute animated images. The video was also praised for its upbeat rhythm following the trend of the 2018 Rap program. The video has attracted over 10,000 views on YouTube and over 20,000 views on Facebook.

Rap IT

Source: https://kenh14.vn/mv-dinh-cua-chop-tu-it-the-gioi-di-dong-ban-rap-cuc-chat-tim-dong-doi-20201212185500731.chn

The clip was inspired by the hot trend of 2020, when the Vietnamese rap program was attracting a large audience. Rap IT has a very "IT MWG" style of music and lyrics.

"Trùm việc" Bách Hóa Xanh - 2020

This song is part of a series of Bách Hóa Xanh communication campaigns called Trùm việc Bách Hóa Xanh. In just 1 minute and 30 seconds, the song conveys the EVP of Bách Hóa Xanh throughout: "Lots of work - shift work - far-reaching promotion" (has over 120,000 views on Facebook and over 11,000 views on YouTube).

The special thing is that this video has also been converted into Audio MP3 and broadcast at over 1,800 Bách Hóa Xanh supermarkets.

Manager at the age of 20 (Bách Hóa Xanh)

Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/quan-ly-tuoi-20-chieu-dung-nguoi-ki-la-cua-bach-hoa-xanh-409560.html

Source: https://vtc.vn/khong-bang-cap-van-len-quan-ly-o-tuoi-20-chieu-dung-nguoi-ki-la-cua-bach-hoa-xanh-ar361026.html

This is the launch video for the "Easy to Do, Easy to Advance" communication message: to join Bách Hóa Xanh, you do not need a degree or experience, as long as you are hardworking and persevering, you will have the opportunity to advance to become a Manager.

The video received over 2,000 likes and thousands of comments on Facebook.

Brand Video: Explore MWG's Working Environment

This is a 2018 launch video for a project introducing the excellent working environment at MWG. By showcasing the physical facilities, work culture, and open work environment, the video aims to convey the modern and dynamic identity of MWG to candidates.

Candidate Appreciation Video

This is an annual traditional video aimed at appreciating candidates and delivering a close and professional message from the employer.